

My principles: Pono, Identity, Kaitiakitanga, Oranga. Ka ngaro he tētēkura, ka whakaeke mai he tētēkura . As one fern frond disappears, another one thrusts upward to take it’s place.

My coaching model is based on the Pikopiko or the fern frond and I will endeavour to guide you through using my principles and the algorithym of Piko. Pono, Identity, Kaitiakitanga, Oranga. Pono: (trust, truthful)

The principle of pono, being real, honest, genuine, sincere, truthful, non-fiction and valid. From my Māori worldview it is important in my Life Coaching practice especially when working with others. I expect for there to be a great outcome there needs to be reciprocity whereby both client and coach can engage truthfully in one on one dialogue.

Identity : Whanau (family), Whakapapa (geneology). These support systems provide the safe space to engage in korero (talk). The Life Coach will normally have everything they need to use in this model to identify causes and the issues to bring one’s self to autonomy.

Whakapapa (geneology) is important to us as it connects us with our ancestors, family, land, iwi (tribe) and our marae. It’s how we learn about our family history and trace our genealogy, and it’s knowing who we are and where we’re from. As the core of (Māori knowledge), our geneology provides us with identity and history, and joins us to our ancestors and the land. Let’s get to know who we are.

Kaitiakitanga:Protection, stewardship, trusteeship, wairua (spirit). The related concept is that ” Kaitiakitanga is the obligation, arising from the kin relationship, to nurture or care for a person or thing, it has a spiritual aspect.Kaitiakitanga today is being rediscovered and explored.

There are some challenges in applying kaitiakitanga today because some practitioners need to understand traditional concepts such as mana (status), tapu (spiritual restriction) and mauri (the life principle), and relate them to the modern setting. Therefore I relate to you my clients as a coach who has respect and will take care of you.

Oranga: (Survivor, food, livelihood, welfare, health and living). Depression is one of the most daunting concepts in psychology. Something traumatic happens, and the mind pushes it into some remote corner of the unconscious. Later, the memory may emerge into consciousness’ so we need to be aware of these things in life.

Oranga can be about survival and wellbeing, however all too often, our fears and self-limiting beliefs also limit our ability to achieve everything that we deserve. Until these beliefs are exposed, and we understand how negatively they can affect our lives, we are unable to reach our full potential. You might have a particular goal in mind, or you may feel so overwhelmed you don’t know where to start.

Either way, I will help you make the right decisipn to bring oranga back into your life to restore that loving feeling again. He aroha whakato,he aroha puta mai If kindness is shown then kindness you shall receive.
